Cono Sur Carmenere

Cono Sur Carmenere

Another great value from Chile. I keep seeing the Cono Sur brand at my local grocery store. They sell Pinot, some white varietals I don’t care about, and this wonderful Carmenere. Being very interested in this particular grape led me to grab a few of these off the grocer shelf while Mrs. Barbarian was picking up cat food or something equally useless. The price was right (under $10) and the wine did not disappoint. Very tasty, went well with the braised housecat steaks we ate along with it.

As if to dispense completely with the wine snobbery, it has a screw top bottle. Works for me.

Here is one of the six noble grapes of Bordeaux, once thought extinct, available for under ten bucks, with an easy to open bottle. Gotta love these times we live in eh? Go buy some now.

Yeah.. there is some multi-lingual word play going on here (cono sur, connoisseur) but I’m far to barbaric to note or explore that, ok?

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